Monday, 31 December 2012

Starbucks iPhone Cases

For those of you out there who are Starbucks addicts, here are some iPhone cases.  From the amazing .  You can personalise the top one just like your order with your name!  - Lydia.

Fascinator with a difference!

Well, this a fascinator with a difference! Anyone remember the board game hungry hippos, well I think its safe to say I never thought I would be seeing it worn on someone's head! Definitely unique though - Lydia.

Patterned Rings

Here some beautiful rings I have come across when researching for certain projects at university.  I especially love the ring in the middle, such an interesting way to set a stone uplifted from the ring band. The pattern leading up to the stone really draws your eye in. - Lydia.

Sunday, 30 December 2012

Create your own print

This is such a creative way to make your own print.  All you need to do is, get a design off the internet or draw your own, then transfer it onto a medium thickness foam sheet and fix this to an old rolling pin.  Now all you need is the ink/paint you want to print with and you can print on anything from fabric to paper to boxes.  The possibilities are endless... - Lydia.

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Christmas Wreath's

Some beautiful Christmas Wreath's I've seen this season, who says anything has to be traditional anymore.  Both made using beautiful colours.  Happy Christmas! - Lydia.

Wonka Chocolate!

I found a Wonka bar, and it comes with a golden ticket. Dream come true!  Check out this amazing online sweet shop - Lydia.

Christmas Cactus

For those who live in warmer climates or just want to be different and not have a tree, why not have a christmas cactus! - Lydia.


Happy Christmas from the minions!

Now this is a way to do fancy dress, doggy style! Dog Minion!

I don't care that this was for someones 9th birthday ... I know what cake I want for my 21st!

These are on sale in an american airport, if I walked past one of these I would want one!

This is an attraction at Orlando studios! I have to go there, soon!

To make a minion phone case even better they have added a moustache, genius!

Hope you all had a brilliant Christmas ! BANANAAA - Lydia.

Forage! Beautiful earrings

Both of these earrings are just incredible!  I found this designer at the Manchester Christmas Market, I saw their stall last year and saved to get something this year.  Both of the pairs above are made from silver and price around £40.  Here is their website ... 
- Lydia.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Gangnam Style!

This is just crazy! With the video for gangnam style reaching over 1 BILLION views on Youtube, I checked out some of the parodies, I think think you should all check this one out, Straight from NASA its self! ....

X Factor Finalists 2012

Straying from the christmas theme for a moment, both of these guys deserved to win the X factor and I found it so hard to choose between them.  Both of these songs are incredible - Lydia.

Christmas Tree's

A unique way to bring christmas into your home, I would tempted to have this up all year round!

A modern take on the classic Christmas Tree, a clean and seamless look to the floating baubles.

Now this is one for the students/alcoholics, you would have to drink a lot of beer to make this tree, but I do like the effect, having it in the window with the light shining through the coloured glass is a nice touch.

A beautiful traditional tree, I love the old classic rustic feel to this design.  The decorations are simple but classic.  I love the addition of a Santa hat on the top instead of star.  I also love the addition of the wicker reindeers at the base of the tree. Classical Christmas!

This tree is so bold and eye catching! What a brilliant use of design.  I'm not entirely sure there is an actually tree underneath all of those decorations!  Either way it looks stunning.  Along with the small tree and decorations around the fire place, the design reminds me of something out of Whoville, in the Grinch.  Sticking to traditional colours but creating a unique tree.

This tree would work beautifully in a bar or restaurant or a wine lovers home.  Another unique take on a classic christmas tree, a great way to use corks that hold memories for you, like some special bottles of wine/champagne from birthdays/anniversaries and special occasions. 

Appealing to the geekier side of me, but I love this! I wish I could have a mini version of this in my room.  All digital having a game of pac man playing all over its surface.

This Christmas Tree is on display in Madrid, Spain.  It is made from multicoloured pipes of glass.  I bet this looks even more stunning with light shining through the pipes.

A tree made of pine cones, a beautiful way to bring nature indoors at Christmas.

This Tree is just Crazy.  But I LOVE IT!  Its so colourful and bold.  The over sized decorations and the colour combinations make this a really modern take on christmas.

All of these stunning tree's are unique and reflect different peoples personalities just like every families trees!  Happy Christmas Eve Eve Everyone! - Lydia.

Upside Down Christmas Tree's

An Upside Down Christmas Tree with an extra twist, it's fixed to the ceiling instead of the floor.  I would be worried all the decorations are going to fall off!

Another example of the new trend around Christmas, but I think this tree maybe slightly over loaded with decorations!

I love the decorations on this upside down tree, and the colours fit perfectly with the room.

This upside down tree is fixed to the roof in the corner of a room, I don't know about you but this reminds me of some kind of creepy paranormal creature hiding in your room! Even the branches at the bottom/top of the tree look like loads of little feet!

Our last upside down tree here, but the thing that is most interesting about this family is they have even fixed presents to the ceiling !! Also they have their stocking upside down too, Santa may have a problem getting the presents to stay in .... - Lydia.

Role Reverse

The fish wants to rise with the balloon and the boy wants to sink with the rock, slightly weird and intriguing concept for a painting but it does make you think.

Friday, 14 December 2012

The Mona Lisa with 3604 Cups of Coffee

What a beautifully unique way to re-create the Mona Lisa Smile.  I wonder how long this took the artist ....

That was a Tough Nut to Crack!

Well ... to keep up the humour here is a peanut birth ha! I just love the poster in the corner ... Your peanut and you.

Harry Potter Jewellery

Being a massive fan of the world of Harry Potter I have got to say I love anything to do with it. This is some of my Harry potter jewellery, check out for more of these wizardry wonders! -Lydia.

Holiday Wreath

Use the holidays as a good excuse to get crafty and make something for the home. Instead of having a traditional holiday wreath, make one using dry branches tied together with decorative handmade flowers from card and paper. - Lydia.

Vintage Bicycles

I have always wanted a vintage styled bike, but now I want one with the frame as my name too! Beautiful - Lydia.

Unique Christmas Trees

Instead of having a traditional tree .... - Lydia.

Happy Christmas

Not long now till Christmas! So I thought I would post something lovely and festive! Easy to create yourself as well, try disguising your pears as turkeys! - Lydia.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Zipper Art/Brooches

 All of these beautiful designers are by Francis Ryder.  Stunning colours, recycled materials to create some unique jewellery. Check out more of her work on - Lydia.