Sunday, 23 December 2012

Christmas Tree's

A unique way to bring christmas into your home, I would tempted to have this up all year round!

A modern take on the classic Christmas Tree, a clean and seamless look to the floating baubles.

Now this is one for the students/alcoholics, you would have to drink a lot of beer to make this tree, but I do like the effect, having it in the window with the light shining through the coloured glass is a nice touch.

A beautiful traditional tree, I love the old classic rustic feel to this design.  The decorations are simple but classic.  I love the addition of a Santa hat on the top instead of star.  I also love the addition of the wicker reindeers at the base of the tree. Classical Christmas!

This tree is so bold and eye catching! What a brilliant use of design.  I'm not entirely sure there is an actually tree underneath all of those decorations!  Either way it looks stunning.  Along with the small tree and decorations around the fire place, the design reminds me of something out of Whoville, in the Grinch.  Sticking to traditional colours but creating a unique tree.

This tree would work beautifully in a bar or restaurant or a wine lovers home.  Another unique take on a classic christmas tree, a great way to use corks that hold memories for you, like some special bottles of wine/champagne from birthdays/anniversaries and special occasions. 

Appealing to the geekier side of me, but I love this! I wish I could have a mini version of this in my room.  All digital having a game of pac man playing all over its surface.

This Christmas Tree is on display in Madrid, Spain.  It is made from multicoloured pipes of glass.  I bet this looks even more stunning with light shining through the pipes.

A tree made of pine cones, a beautiful way to bring nature indoors at Christmas.

This Tree is just Crazy.  But I LOVE IT!  Its so colourful and bold.  The over sized decorations and the colour combinations make this a really modern take on christmas.

All of these stunning tree's are unique and reflect different peoples personalities just like every families trees!  Happy Christmas Eve Eve Everyone! - Lydia.

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